We do not have to pass down the pain of emotional dysfunction and poverty to our children.


We can take control over our lives , Heal our Hearts & create the life of our full potentials .

Learn how to use your pain as

A Doorway to Awakening & Enlightenment.

Introducing Gladys Beri’s

Gladys Beri’s

An Exclusive 3-Stage Soul-Cleansing and Confidence-Building Transformation Program
An Exclusive



and Confidence-Building

Transformation Program

Overcome your past

Discover fulfillment

Learn to experience true love

Enjoy a lifetime of happiness

The regular price for the course is $497

Now $47

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Together we will learn skills that will help you use your pain as a doorway  to healing and awakening.
  • Release yourself from the baggage of your past 
  • Discover the source of your fears, pain, and emotional dependence
  • Discover the weaknesses in you that others are exploiting
  • Find out why negative things keep happening to you.
  • Discover how to spot toxic people and repel them faster
  • Find the strength in your own emotional vulnerabilities
  • Learn to detach yourself from toxic relationships and never look back
  • Discover what authentic love feels like and how to build a relationship with yourself.
  • Find joy and gratitude for your journey, and for your lessons.

The journey to emotional healing may be deep but so are you, and you can do it!

I will guide you every step of the way.

the realities of life can hurt

but we have the ability to overcome and create a new reality for ourselves

One of the many lessons my life taught me was that the realities of the world we live in are not as perfect as we want to believe.

Situations can get out of control; people who you care about so much can become ruthless, selfish and may even abandon you.

This is life and giving up is not an option.

However, when you embrace the pain and open your mind to releasing all the negativity, you become mentally invincible.

You have goodness inside of you; you are honest, sincere and dedicated to your relationships. You care for the people in your life, people who help shape your life and make you unique.


  • Does it mean that you must suffer to make others happy?
  • Especially when they don’t respect you?
  • When you are being abused emotionally, verbally, physically, financially, sexualy, while you try to be strong, hoping and praying that someday your abusers will change?
  • Is the damage to the kids really worth the torture?
  • Is this really all there is to your life?
My Story:

From Victim Of Domestic Violence To Self – Mastery Coach

I am Gladys Beri, and I asked myself these same questions when I was on the verge of mental, emotional, and physical collapse. I was going through a hopeless life in an abusive marriage. I had children quickly growing up and learning from their mommy and daddy, thinking it was normal for parents to fight.

I was stuck financially having to depend on their dad for support and to top that I was worried about losing the “comfort” of the home we had and everything I cherished; I thought I would not be able to survive the shame and embarrassment of having a broken home and a failed marriage.

I felt so alone and psychologically broken.

I thought no one loved me.

I was destined to a life of nothingness.


I stayed in my marriage, despite everything around me was falling apart for just one reason, my children. I thought that by sacrificing my feelings, emotions, wishes and myself, I would be able to give them what we have left.
My Story: Victim Of Domestic Violence To Life Coach
I am Gladys Beri, and I asked myself these same questions when I was on the verge of mental, emotional, and physical collapse. I was going through a hopeless life in an abusive marriage. I had children quickly growing up and learning from their mommy and daddy, thinking it was normal for parents to fight.

I was stuck financially having to depend on their dad for support and to top that I was worried about losing the “comfort” of the home we had and everything I cherished; I thought I would not be able to survive the shame and embarrassment of having a broken home and a failed marriage.

I felt so alone and psychologically broken.

I thought no one loved me.

I was destined to a life of nothingness.


I stayed in my marriage, despite everything around me was falling apart for just one reason, my children. I thought that by sacrificing my feelings, emotions, wishes and myself, I would be able to give them what we have left.
I had a ton of maybes going on in my head.
  • Maybe my sacrifices and suffering will bring them something better.
  • Maybe life will get better at some point.
  • Maybe one day I’ll get the love, attention, and care I desperately need.
  • Maybe it was true when they said marriage is about survival, not true love.
  • Maybe it’s my destiny to live a suffocating life.
  • Maybe my children will have a better future because of my pain.
This destructive self talk led me to the point when I realized that I could not take it anymore.
I asked myself:
“How is it even possible that my children will experience healthy parenting when they see me in pain every day?”
Deep In My Heart, I Knew The Answer.
I had no other choice so I decided to take control over my life.
That decision changed everything .
When we are unsure of what lies ahead, we try to hold on to what we have.

It is natural and happens to everyone.

I suggest we learn to detach from the pain..

I was able to break free of the emotional chains I had subjected myself to.
I created the kind of life I wanted my children to experience; free from fear, manipulation, intimidation and subjecting them to the negative experiences from toxic role models.

Yes, that is my best gift to them; creating positive childhood experiences for them, while it matters the most..

I achieved this using the same 3-steps I am sharing with you
We always know what we want in life; we just need one strong push in the right direction and the right kind of help to grab our hand.

My journey to emotional healing and awaking into enlightenment was tough. I often lost hope and thought of giving up, but the vision I had of myself was strong enough to keep me motivated.

With my past, I knew that I had to create everything good in wanted in life for myself and my children. I had to take control, heal my wounds, gather my strength, redefine myself and fill my life with love, positive energy, and create a new reality – and I had to do it myself!

We all have weaknesses and strengths; but it is our conscious or unconscious choice, whether we define ourselves by those weaknesses and keep destroying ourselves or break free from our vulnerabilities and be a beacon of enlightenment for others.

My experiences took me to the lowest levels of confidence, self-esteem, worthlessness, and humiliation.

But I decided to rise up again! I wanted to be the best version of myself. Then I want to inspire others, and help them to be their best.


Discover Your Strengths


Overcome The Pain of your Emotional Wounds, Weaknesses, and Insecurities


Turn All That Negativity in to Life lessons for Growth and Excellence and Abundance.

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Over the past several years, as I’ve grown emotionally on my journey to healing.
I developed the three steps for Emotional Healing eCourse into a life building strategy that will reach into your heart, release all the pain and fill it with love, the love and passion that you always wish you had.
This eCourse Will Help You Heal 

The regular price for the course is $497

Enroll Now For $47

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What students say about the course
The content is intriguing and a very deep subject to talk about, but the tone and encouragement makes it inspirational and reassuring to a person with fragile emotions.
Dominique V

I highly enjoyed going through the material. This is going to help so many people!
The objective is straightforward and easy to follow.
Nicole Roxy

Heal Your Emotional Wounds, And Break Away From Your Past!
Being in pain for so long, I know it’s easy to believe that nothing can help you achieve the life you desire.


  • Do you want to live the happy life that you dreamed of when you were younger ?
  • Deep inside, you want to experience authentic love, and you want to be treated like someone special with dignity and respect.

Let me hold your hand

and be the one to show you the right path. I promise that I will lead you to the life you desire. Life is beautiful. Live it, enjoy the moments as they come, indulge in those beautiful moments, and make your life grand!

Letting go of your pain may appear to be hard, but it is possible. The one quote that always lifts me up and keeps me motivated even in the hardest times:

Everything is possible if you believe.

Have faith in the process; Nothing happens by accident and without a purpose. Believe in yourself, and in your ability to transform your life and together we will make a difference in the world.
Heal Your Emotional Wounds, And Break Away From Your Past!
Being in pain for so long, I know it’s easy to believe that nothing can help you achieve the life you desire.


  • Do you want to live the happy life that you dreamed of when you were younger ?
  • Deep inside, you want to experience authentic love, and you want to be treated like someone special with dignity and respect.

Let me hold your hand

and be the one to show you the right path. I promise that I will lead you to the life you desire. Life is beautiful. Live it, enjoy the moments as they come, indulge in those beautiful moments, and make your life grand!

Letting go of your pain may appear to be hard, but it is possible. The one quote that always lifts me up and keeps me motivated even in the hardest times:

Everything is possible if you believe.

Have faith in the process; Nothing happens by accident and without a purpose. Believe in yourself, and in your ability to transform your life and together we will make a difference in the world.

Why Emotional Healing eCourse:

If you are facing abuse, domestic violence, emotional abandonment and have the desire to overcome them, this Emotional Healing e-Course is for you.

Unique and Empowering Content.
The ideas and guidance you get in this course will help you evaluate your situation in a step-by-step manner and to develop a mindset that translates into practical, actionable steps.

It does not matter how bad you believe your situation is or the number of reasons you are unable to find a way out; these simple and workable 3-steps will light up the path for you.

Proven Results in Short Time.
If you implement the suggestions and follow the instructions in completing the exercises, do not be surprised that you begin to feel better right from completing module 1 of the e-course. It is that deep, I promise you.

Once you know you are tired of living a miserable life, you want to get out of it as soon as possible. That’s why I have segmented this course into just 3 steps, so that you get over your frustrating and tiring life within weeks.

Focused, Simple and Compassionate.
This course is simple to understand and follow. Why take years and prolong the excruciating pain while struggling to digest ideas and content? You can get similar results with the simple worksheets and exercises and non-judgmental honest conversations.

I put my emotions, feelings, and experiences into this program, enabling you to connect with me instantly.

I understand that most people fear rejection and emotional alienation when they try to open their feelings to someone, making it harder for them to experience and accept love. This is why Emotional Healing course is unique; it is made for you alone to participate and complete the exercises in the privacy of your sacred space, be it your bed room, your bathroom, or your garden. This is your personal sacred journey; FOR YOU ALONE!

Build Strong and Everlasting Relationships.
Draw a clear roadmap of your life and connect with like-minded people without feeling guilty.

When you believe you need certain people in your life, you don’t notice when you become dependent on those toxic relationships. The Emotional Healing e-course will help you find value in yourself, and finally break free from the chains of emotional and physical abuse, giving you EMOTIONAL FREEDOM.

Unlock the Possibilities with a Clearer Vision; today’s dream is tomorrow’s accomplishment.
Believing that pain and suffering is an unchangeable part of our lives is not true. Knowing that it hurts and not detaching from it is even worse. Usually, we keep getting hurt and suffer pain for the sake of others, trying to please people who don’t care.

Were you cheated, denied even the fundamentals of relationships, abused physically and psychologically, treated like an object with no emotions and feelings, and ultimately abandoned? Do you know why this happens?

Here’s the truth: We only get more of what we tolerate.
Trust me, you either take control of your life or someone else will control it for you. Your abuser’s goal is to make you disappear into the reality that they’ve created where they rule. Usually, it’s because they have no power in the rest of their lives or they’re scared that they will lose the power that they have over you.
It All Starts With An Unwavering Decision
We all need to feel liberated, feel and live life to the fullest, and, most of all, experience authentic love. I understand how easy it may seem to say, and it also appears equally complicated to accomplish.

However, if you decide today that you won’t live the life of a victim of abuse, Join hands with me and follow the Emotional Healing eCourse I promise you that you will unlock limitless possibilities in your life.

When you set yourself free from your past, your emotional wounds start to heal and you experience life like never before. Its colorful rainbows, joy of happiness and abundance, all become so vivid that it opens your heart to more love. You become so strong and self-aware that you realize your gifts and talents. All of this gives you opportunities to start living the life you always wished to have. But, it all starts with a decision.

Remember, the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
What You’ll Learn in the Emotional Healing eCourse
Module 1: The Stories of our Wounds
Looking back at your tragic past is always distressing. Regretfully, that is where you’ll find the answers to all your questions and emotional vulnerabilities. Loved ones lost, emotional molestation, physical abuse, controlling relationships, and whatever you had to face in your past, every incident left a lesson. Because you were so overwhelmed with fear and pain, you never understood.

In this module, I’ll take you as far into your past as possible and evaluate every situation you faced.

We’ll dig deep into the graveyard of your soul to understand all the wrongs you had to face to find the answer to the questions you may have asked; why did it happen to you? Why the people you cared for were so ruthless? Why didn’t anyone understand what you wanted in life?

Module 2: Emotional Detox
Learn to break away from toxic relationships without feeling guilty. When you are in a constant cycle of pain and relationship abuse, loneliness is the biggest fear that keeps you from letting go of the relationships.

In reality, the exit is the only way you can unshackle from your past. Emotional detox will give you a broader picture of what you are facing in your life while you heal.

This module focuses on vital areas which you must understand in to know exactly why and how you are always pulled back into the wheel of emotional suffocation.

Our goal here is to help you overcome all emotional wounds from your childhood to heal your inner child, release you from the guilt, shame and fear of having hurt others, release you from any generational bondage, rewrite your birth story and make you feel strong and confident, to expel all the negativity, anger and resentment clogging your heart and open the gate to unlock abundance of love, joy, tenderness and compassion in your heart.

During emotional detox, you’ll discover the invisible boundaries that were limiting your ability to give and receive authentic love. You will learn to let go of your past and discover the all new you, the person you are inside; strong, grounded and intelligent improved version of your authentic self.

Module 3: Planting the Seeds of Love using Life Altering Affirmations For Heart Energy Activation
Our mind has amazing powers. It can be transformed into what we want it to be, and in return, it defines who we are. When you let go of your past, you are left in an emotional void. From there on, you decide how you move forward.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. – Napoleon Hill

The goal of this module is to uproot all doubtful thoughts and energy in your life and open your heart to the possibility of a better life, develop consistency in positive thought programing, and embrace the experience of authentic love. I will guide you to create a thriving world around you that helps you stay positive, gain control over your life, emotions and empower you to become who you want to be.

We will help you connect your heart, mind, and soul, get a clear vision of your life and direct your energies towards a fulfilling lifestyle. Getting inspired, gaining strength and the courage to face challenges that life throws towards you requires consistency.

Moreover, this steadiness will stay with you only if you keep the vision of your lifestyle and your goals in your active memory.

In this module, you will learn life-altering affirmations that will keep you focused and positive. You will learn to gain control over your mind, release negativity, anger, and frustration and fill your heart with love while remaining constructive, strong and empowered.

When you align your existence and passions, you become so strong and capable that nothing can slow you down or deviate you from your vision.

What you will leave behind:

Your Pain.

You will let go of all those bad memories that haunt you, keep pulling you down, making you feel resentful, angry, incomplete, insignificant and powerless.

Negativity, Frustration, Confusion, And Uncertainty.

You will undo all emotional and mental chains that have kept you from becoming the person are meant to be. You will break all those false idols of negativity and depression that drain your energies and talents, making you believe that you are worth nothing.

Life of Emotional and Physical Abuse.

You will not only decide that you want a better and fulfilling life of abundance, but I will also help you ascertain that the cycle of pain, emotional and physical abuse is broken and it never happens to you again.

Feelings of Abandonment and Loneliness.

When you know your capabilities, understand your priorities, strengths and what matters to you the most, you liberate yourself from dependence. You know the reason for your existence, you never feel abandoned or alone because you have the vision that accompanies you, gives you strength to keep going.

Fake Relationships That Undermine Your Progress and Destroy Your Persona.

You will learn to get as far away as possible from regressive and phony relationships that pull you down and make you feel low, drained and incapable.

Fear of Rejection and Feeling Inadequate.

No one will be able to judge you. Those who try to do so won’t matter. This course will help you gain the confidence, the attitude and the strength that you need to redefine yourself to be successful, independent and a source of inspiration for others.

Guilt of Breaking Away From Your Past to Live a Progressive Life.

Don’t let anyone cloud your vision of success and happiness. You will learn to get out of hollow relationships without feeling bad. Get the most of your life; always know when enough is enough, and the right time to move forward.

Inability to Know Your Value And Worth.

Be out the best version of you and know your value and worthiness. Don’t let anyone else define you or tell you what you are capable of; only you should have the right to do it.

Living For Others.

You will stop living for others or act according to the wishes of people who care nothing about your emotions, your beliefs and what you want to do in your life. Finally, you will be living for yourself.
Course Success Stories
I found the e-course to have a friendly, empowering tone that makes it enjoyable to go through and the content more approachable to the participants.

To me the Emotional Healing E-Course is a life changer. It is a true definition of soul healing.
Janet S

I invite you to look inward and review your life; is this what you want? Will you let others tell you what you should do in your life?

Do you want to keep living these agonizing, discouraging and painful moments for the rest of your life? Because if you cannot take a single decision today, I fear that you will never have the strength to make it right.

Imagine the life you want to live. Is it free from fear, pain, disrespect, and abuse? Do you want to live that life?
What does the life you desperately want offer you? Clarity in your life goals? Financial and personal freedom? Ability to make choices, decide what you want and what you don’t? Love, care, respect, honor and a sense of being someone worth something?
Nothing is stopping you from getting it. Take the first step of joining this course and start giving life to your imagination.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Should Take The Emotional Healing Ecourse?
This course is exclusively designed for people that have faced emotional and physical abuse, hold on to the feeling of abandonment and are love starved, feel not good enough for anything better and don’t know the purpose of their lives. However, this course is for anyone who wants to heal from their past, and redefine their existence, and make their life count.
How can you be so sure that it will work for me?
The three steps in this course have worked for me and have helped many people heal and make their lives better. I have invested the knowledge from, my lessons and experience from being a victim of abuse to becoming a Self Mastery coach , The lessons and strategies I share have worked for many and should work for you too if you come with an open mind, and readiness to learn and embrace the changes you need to make.

I know it works and I am committed to helping  you heal and create a new reality. All I require from you is your commitment to investing in your self during this course and to follow each step with unwavering faith; you will come out transformed.

Is this course complete or do I have to buy other stuff to go with it to make it work?
This course focuses on Emotional Healing. It is the first step to clear your path to becoming the higher value version of you. There are other courses such as Self- Awareness & Mastery and Group Coaching Online. However, this offer is for access to the Emotional Healing e-course.
How much time does this course require to complete?
It entirely depends on you how fast you get control over your mind, emotions and yourself. It is self-paced and I suggest you give yourself time the time your mind needs to catch up with all the changes, and don’t try to rush to results. Take small progressive steps every day so that you can fully experience the joy of the transformation.
Some More Praises
My Personal Note to You:
Living the same stressful and painful life, doing nothing about it and wishing that a miracle will happen to take the pain away, I wish it worked that way. To give meaning to your life, serve a higher purpose, make your time on earth count and be able to contribute to the community you live in, you have to learn to value yourself. You must be willing to come out of the darkness and be a beacon of inspiration for your family and the people around you.

For many years, I lived the same miserable life in fear, depression emotional chaos, facing domestic violence every other day. I was living a hopeless life. But, when I decided that my life will not go to waste and I will not be a victim of violence and rejection, I discovered my strength and the courage to rise from the lowest points of self-esteem and helplessness, and today I have answered the call to serve humanity.

I went from living as a victim to creating a dream life with a new reality. Circumstances will try to knock you down and that is guaranteed, but when your spirit never gives up, only then will you experience the power of this transformation in to the better version of your authentic self.

I can help you discover your true self. With my Emotional Healing eCourse I am positive that you will create a beautiful life filled with self-love, respect, personal development self-improvement, and abundance.

Are you ready to let go the pain of your past and embrace the journey to Emotional Healing and Freedom?

The regular price for the course is $497


Embrace the pain of your past and difficult memories.


Discover the source of your fears, pain, and heartbreaks.


Discover the weaknesses in you that others are exploiting.


Find out why negative things keep happening to you.


Discover how to spot toxic people and repel them faster


Find the strength in your own emotional vulnerabilities


Learn to leave toxic relationships and never look back.


Discover what an authentic relationship feels like and how to build one.


Experience transformative healing to reveal your authentic self.


Find gratitude for your journey, from your wounds to your lessons.


Create a new reality for yourself and your children.

Enroll Now For $47

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