Spiritual Millionaire Mastermind
Have you been living your life as a victim of circumstances, been struggling through survival mode and are trying to figure out how to take your life to the next level?
This is For Individuals Looking To Heal And Transform Their Lives From Victims, Survivors Or Perpetrators Of Domestic Violence And Other Emotional Wounds To Champions Of Their Own Lives.
Package Description:
Requirements to Participate:
An Open mind:
Understand that you cannot solve a problem with the same mindset that created the problem in the first place.
To serve you at the deepest, and most effective level, we encourage you to have the humility to listen, even when it is painfully honest.
Genuine willingness to learn new and or different strategies to transform your life.
Excitement about changes you will make to manifest your transformation.
Willingness to let go beliefs, mindsets and practices that no longer serve you.
A clear vision for your life and what you want to benefit from our time together.
If you have come to a point in your life where you are wondering if this really is all there is to your life and you are ready to hit that reset button and create a new reality for yourself, this is for you.
We are excited to be a part of your journey and look forward to helping you transform your dreams and possibilities into fulfilling realities.

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